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[TIPS] Civil Service Exam - FREE Download CSC Reviewers (UPDATED)

Looking for tips on passing CSC exam? And be a successful CSE passer! BONUS: FREE CSC Reviewer 2018!

If you are here, being a CS Passer is a tough one. Many have no idea about it and may ask something like this:

What are the privileges and benefits of being one of the CSE passers

Civil Service eligibility is mandatory in the Philippine government.

Disclaimer:   I give tips and resources. I am working for CSC but with another government agency. 


What does the CSC abbreviation mean? What are its functions and administers? Why do we(especially government employees) NEED to pass the CSC Exam? Is it essential? 

How do you pass the civil service exam? These are a few common questions. We will answer that later on. 
Passing the Civil Service Examination (CSE from CSC) is challenging. Expect to see some modifications of examination style patterns, and one should not expect exact similarities from the previous exam.

The examination has different approaches, though (Different patterns in the exam schedule)

The passing rate of 80% of the exam is difficult to pass. This is why the Civil Service Test/Exam is tagged as a prestigious test/exam in the Philippines.

Check your room and school assignment - Online Notice of Assignment.

FREE CSC Reviewer 2016-2027
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Chances are high if you have good analytical skills and vast general knowledge. You will pass the exam.

If you don't know the answer, you will get 20%. Your chance of getting a correct answer is 1 out of 5.

It is not about options. It is about how you study.

What Is CSC?

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) is a government body-owned agency whose sole purpose is to manage members to become public servants.

CSC Mandates the following:
The Civil Service Commission was conferred the status of a department by Republic Act No. 2260 as amended and elevated to a constitutional body by the 1973 Constitution. It was reorganized under PD No. 181 dated September 24, 1972, and again reorganized under Executive Order no. 181 dated November 21, 1986. With the new Administrative Code of 1987 (EO 292), the Commission is constitutionally mandated to promote morale, efficiency, integrity, responsiveness, progressiveness, and courtesy in the Civil Service.
One of the mandates of the CSC (Civil Service Commission) is to formulate, administer, and evaluate systems/programs to develop a qualified workforce in the public service.

To be fully qualified to become a REGULAR/Permanent (Plantilla Item/Position) staff in any Government office, you need to take and pass the civil service exam: CS sub-prof or CS Professional (CS Prof is recommended but more complex as compared to sub-proof) held twice in a year. You can check the computer-based exams too. Just check every once in a while.

Take note: If you have already passed the BAR(Lawyers), CPA(Accountants), and other professional board exams, then you are highly qualified to work in public offices.

However, if you graduated on non-board exams (like me, an IT graduate), you must pass the CSC examination by crook or hook!

Furthermore, CSC offers examinations in two(2) tests: the Sub-Prof and Professional exams twice a year. (Usually, it will take in October or April/May month unless otherwise, it will update on its social media outlets).

Passed for Future Work in Government Agencies
Passing the Civil Service Test/Exam is not just for your self-achievement( which proves that you are keen to pass it or test your IQ) and your career path. It will allow you to be employed by government agencies in the Philippines.

The benefits of being a passer of the Philippine Civil Service Examination (CSE)
If you are currently employed as a job order/contractual/casual status in a Government agency, you have a higher chance of getting a permanent plantilla position. Thus, you will enjoy promising privileges and benefits like salary increases, employee leaves, bonuses, gifts and incentives, and promotions. Sounds great, right?

However, it is sad to note that being a PASSER does not necessarily guarantee being immediately hired or appointed in our government system. *sigh* Unless you have a network of people or relatives in that office, or you know someone that will help you (so-called BACKER).

As Ramon Bautista quipped something like:, Keys to success: sipag, tiyaga, at kakilala (BACKER). Funny, but it's sad and damn accurate!


  • Career Service Professional and Sub-professional examinations are open to applicants regardless of educational attainment.
The CSE-PPT for Professional and SubProfessional levels is open to Filipino citizens at least 18 years old when filing an application, regardless of educational attainment.
Take note: CSC has given info that any FILIPINO Citizen can file the application if he/she is 18 years old, even if you are not in college or have any educational attainment.
  • Applicants for both levels must:
    • Be Filipino citizens, at least 18 years old, and of good moral character;
    • Have no criminal record or have not been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude;
    • Have not been dishonorably discharged from military service or dismissed for cause from any civilian position in the government; and
    • Have not taken the same career service examination within three (3) months from the last examination taken.
The CSC clarifies that there is no longer a limit on taking the Career Service Examinations. An individual may continuously take the exams regardless of the number of times they fail, provided that the examinee takes the same level of examination once every three months.

1. Fully accomplished Application Form (CS Form No. 100 (Revised September 2016)). The “Signature of Applicant” and “Right Thumbmark” spaces on the form should be left blank. These shall be accomplished in the presence of the CSC processor.
2. Four (4) copies of identical I.D. pictures with specifications, as follows:
  • a. Philippine Passport size (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm or 1.8 inches x 1.4 inches)
  • b. Colored, with a white background
  • c. Taken within three (3) months before the filing of the application
  • d. Printed on high-quality photo paper
  • e. In a standard close-up shot (from shoulder level up with the head and face occupying at least 80% of the picture and with the name tag positioned at approximately 1 inch or 2.54 cm below the chin)
  • f. In bare face (with no eyeglasses or any accessories that may cover the facial features)
  • g. Showing left and right ear
  • h. Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera
  • i. With a neutral facial expression and both eyes open
  • , j. With complete and handwritten (not computer-generated) name tag in the format: First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, and Extension Name (if any), and signature over printed name

3. Original and photocopy of any valid ID containing the applicant’s clear picture, date of birth, signature, and signature of the authorized head of the issuing agency such as Driver’s License, SSS ID, GSIS ID, Philhealth ID, current Company/Office ID, current School ID, Postal ID, BIR ID, Barangay ID, Voter’s ID, Valid Passport, or Police Clearance (Note: Any other ID not included in the list shall NOT be accepted)
IDs lacking information, particularly the applicant’s date of birth, should be supported by an NSO-issued Birth Certificate or Birth Certificate authenticated/issued by the Local Civil Registrar (LCR).
4. Copy of the Appointment letter received by the applicant through email (for Computer Assisted Test)
5. Examination fee of Php 500.00 for the Paper and Pencil Test (PPT), or Php 600.00 for Computer-Assisted Test (CAT).”

  • Professional Level
In English and Filipino: vocabulary, grammar, correct usage, paragraph organization, reading comprehension, analogy, logic, and numerical reasoning.
  • Subprofessional Level
In English and Filipino: vocabulary, grammar, correct usage, paragraph organization, reading comprehension, clerical operations, and numerical reasoning.

Both the examination levels will have general information questions on the Philippine Constitution, Code of Conduct, Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees (R. A. 6713); peace and human rights issues and concepts; and environment management and protection.

  • 1. CSE-PPT
The CSE-PPT results are usually released forty-five (45) days after the examination. The names of passers will be posted on the CSC website,
Upon presenting the required documents, those who passed the examination must personally claim their Certificates of Eligibility at the CSC Regional Office/Field Office. On the other hand, those who failed the examination may secure a copy of their Rating Report through the CSC website. 
No Report of Rating shall be mailed to those who failed. To ensure a copy of the Rating Report, an examinee must key in his/her name, date of birth, examinee number, examination date, and examination type. Thus, examinees are advised to keep or remember their examinee number until the examination results are received.
  • 2. CSE-CAT
Results of the CSE-CAT are usually released within two to three hours after the examination. Examinees are strongly advised to wait for the testing results. Those who passed shall receive their Certificate of Eligibility, while those who failed shall receive their Rating Report. Should an examiner fail to claim/receive his/her examination result on the test day, he/she has to return personally later to claim either his/her Certificate of Eligibility or Report of Rating.
The names of passers of the CSE-CAT examinees are posted on the CSC website by clicking the following link: Online CSE-CAT Result Generation System. A copy of the Notice of Rating (for passers) may also be secured online. However, the Notice of Rating does not replace the Certificate of Eligibility.
Meanwhile, the CSC website may also secure a copy of the Report of the Rating of examinees who failed the examinations. To obtain a copy of the Report of Rating, an examinee must key in his/her name, date of birth, examinee number, examination date, and test type.

CSE PPT Professional Level VS Sub-Prof Level EXAM
  • PROF has 170 items, while SUB-PROF only has 165 items
  • PROF lasted 3 hours while SUB PROF only two hours and thirty minutes
  • PROF examination covers vocabulary, grammar, correct usage, paragraph organization, reading comprehension, analogy, logic, and numerical reasoning. At the same time, SUB-PROF has spelling and clerical operations and HAS NO ANALOGY and LOGIC.
You can try this online using COMEX: CSC Computer Examination.


  • Android users should try to install this helpful reviewer app: Zookals.
  • You may directly like this page:
  • You can send and reach me on Facebook: Facebook: Mabzicle Note: If we are not friends on Facebook, your private message will go into the Other Filter (inbox), which can sometimes make it difficult to see if I have new messages.
  • Want to improve your writing skills? You can get it here: (Note: if you successfully install it, we will be a premium type user for one week!
  • I would like to greet those who passed the exam and who are not!
TESTIMONIALS (PART 1: Screenshots)

 Added FILES
    • Vocabulary.pdf
    • Avocabulary.pdf
    • Value and Ethics of Public Responsibility. pptx
    • Analogies practice test.pdf
    • rulesimplementingthecodeofconductandethicalstandardsforpublicofficialsandemployees-ppt-110925074101-phpapp01.pptx
    • Three-Step Method for Solving Analogies Problems.pdf
Added some Math PDF files for a complete review of Math formulae and more practice exercises.
    • A Handbook of Essential Mathematical Formulae (PDF)
    • Business Math for Dummies (PDF)
    • Essential Mathematical Methods 1 (PDF)
  • Google Drive updates its GUI
{old}. Now, this is the sample file I will share here. It's an outdated screenshot, but it works well.

Once you are a passer, you can get a CoE (Certificate of Eligibility) here: How to get a certificate of eligibility.
  • Like this Facebook page for hints, tips, and other related topics to CSC Exam CSC Reviewer Key Tips Hints
  • It also posts exercises to improve your Math problem Skills, Vocabulary, general knowledge, and Grammar.
  • Congratulations to all CSC Passers who took the exam last April 06, 2014 :)
  • CSC Results for April 06, 2014, PPT: CSC EXAM Results in 2014 April

    • Added some related documents for CSC Reviewer 2014
  • I would like to congratulate those who passed the CSE-PPT exam on October 13, 2013. For those who did not make it, there is still much time and chance. Be prepared for the next exam. Lastly, I am overwhelmed and happy with the result, in which I helped and contributed in small ways. Some of them thank me. I feel warm-hearted. Congrats!

How to download Ebook in Google Drive

Now Available Soft Copies:
  • Philippine Civil Service Reviewer 2015
  • For excellent Tutorials, Practical Tests, and Exams - visit
  • Added English Grammar Ebook Collection
  • Added: FULL Texts SONA 2013 (PDF FILE - English and Tagalog version)
  • Added RA6713.pdf
  • Added: Oxford and necessary Synonyms pdf
  • I said New MSA PDF Files.
  • Civil sService Pointersreviewer
Testimonial continuation
Good afternoon, po!
It's too late already, but thank you again, sir, for the review you gave me. I passed the April 2013 CS exam professionally. May you continue to bless everyone, especially those taking the Civil Service Exam. GOD BLESS YOU MORE, SIR.
Sent from Samsung tablet

The passer is not "guaranteed" to become a REGULAR Employee, Too (sad but true)

Remember that a passer does not guarantee 100% to become one of the government office's permanent employees. 

It is interesting to note that being one of the eligible passers does not guarantee you will be hired by government agencies. There are many factors to consider, too: the less expectation, the Better.

My Experience. A Second Taker is pretty good, after all.

I took the Civil Service Exam the second time; I was surprised when I passed it last October 21, 2012. Oh, it's a miracle! Funny and shocking, I can't believe it, but it pays for the effort and sacrifices I put into my studying sessions. Anyway... I'm thankful for passing the exam; now, I am eligible for one. At this point, I want to share some tips you need to make an extra effort to follow.  Try and Try until you succeed.

Before that, you must know some crucial facts to prepare for the upcoming test and be a successful passer.

Things you need to know

  • You need to pass an 80% passing rate. High %, right? 
  • Exam will take three(3) hours; that's 60 mins/hr x 3hrs = 180mins
  • The test questionnaire has 180 items, 10-15 free(personal information), and ten blanks. So, it makes a total of 160 items. I calculated the total items over the total time of 180 minutes.  It's roughly 0.87 minutes per item, but some items take time, especially reading comprehension and Math problems. You MUST have 3-5mins to answer it.
  • Career service professionals and subprofessionals have almost the exact scope of examination in English and Filipino, including reading comprehension, synonyms, antonyms, logic, grammar and correct usage, paragraph organization, spelling, and analogy. Math: Word problems, interest, percent, sales, linear, algebra, graphs, and general information, including the Philippine Constitution (R.A. 6713), Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees, Peace and Human Rights Issues and Concepts, and Environment Management and Protection.
  • Exams will definitely start at 8 AM Sunday.
  • If you are taking a Computer-Aided Test, it is synchronized nationwide, but you need to answer quickly. ( No need to shade answers, which makes it faster and easier)
You must prepare for it, calculate a time to answer items, and study the exam's scope.

TIPS to HELP you PASS the Civil Service Examinations
Before EXAM
  • Review, review, and review. You need to take it seriously. Your future is at stake here. To pass the exam, better review, and study smartly. You can try without reviewing, too; just focus on the stored stock knowledge.
Good News! I will share some soft copies with you here. Click it => CSC Reviewer 2017.  
  • Study Resource Materials. As much as possible, you need to collect more resources here, like newspapers, hard copies, books, reviewers, photocopies, magazines, soft copies, and internet information. I also have resources: newspapers, reviewers, internet freedom information, books, and photocopies. I did not pass my first take, and I got a low rating of 66%. Whoa! It was devastating and morally degrading, but I was encouraged by my colleagues not to lose hope here. Like anyone else, they failed, too. Tip: If you did not pass, try to make it an inspiration to study and review more.
  • Pray, but don't just rely on it. As many religious people would say, God will help you if you allow yourself first. Do your best, and God does the rest. You need to be realistic, too, here. If you are not serious about reviewing, you will have a slight chance of passing the exam. Remember, it is a good factor in a better future. It is useless if you just rely on faith without hard work. It must be FAITH and HARD WORK.
  • Practice more, and it will be PERFECT. Some of us really hate MATHEMATICS, right? Start to love it.  Just like anything else, it will go with the flow. For the sake of your future, you need to sacrifice. Practice every day. Solve problems at least 5-10 word problems daily. Doing all these things will familiarize you with the problems and situations of the examination day. Heck, don't memorize at all. Just familiarize yourself with the concepts and principles of math, like PEMDAS( parentheses, exponent, multiply, divide, add, subtract in order), solve word problems, explain the unknown, formulas, percent, etc. Sometimes, the first instinct is the correct answer. Trust your instinct. Indeed, the first impression lasts. If you have the first impression of the specific option, select it. Your mind (subconscious) thinks it is correct because, at some point, you already encountered it in the past(to your practice) without even solving it. If you have lots of time, you had better review it. But the duration is fast and feels short, so you need to answer as quickly as possible. 
  • Exercise your body and mind. A study shows that exercise will make you 10% smarter. Of course, scientifically, your blood flows well in circulation, which gives your brain more oxygen and can improve the ability to store information, retrieve it fast, and analyze it better. Like me, I did gym exercises: it boosts mental alertness.
  • Use the Internet effectively. Instead of sitting there for almost 20/7 hours and just doing nothing. Read online news on, played there and found it more valuable and enjoyable),, and math problem samples, tips, tricks, English grammar usage, etc.)
Image: atlantiswebmarketing
  • Use Android/iOS Apps Effectively. Install useful apps like a dictionary. I recommend the English Tagalog app, Merriam-Webster Dictionary; you can search for it in the Play Store. 
  • Eat breakfast(Don't skip it). Fasting is good, but you don't need to skip a meal, especially breakfast, as a taker. 
Image: need motivation
  • Eat Chocolate instead of Junk food. Chocolate(incredibly dark) has been known to boost mind power and alertness. Eating Chocolate also helps to sharpen thinking skills. Thus, studies say Chocolate is good for the heart and soul.
Image: expatandthecity
  • Drink Coffee. If you are not a coffee lover, try eating Chocolate. Studies have shown that coffee improves memory capability and speeds up reaction time. According to some research, drinking coffee at least three times daily will boost your mood and cognitive function. Be sure not to overdrink; you will experience a sleep disorder.
Image: lip mag
  • Ask previous examiners.  Do not be afraid to ask those previous examiners. They will give tips and points too. Here is the good news; I will share some soft copies if you like. For an offline e-book, CSC reviewer.
  • Beauty Sleep. Don't sleep too late at night or early in the morning. Not getting enough sleep makes your body weak.
Image: Alaska sleep
  • Take Vitamins. If you do not have time to exercise, just eat a balanced diet and take vitamins and minerals.
Image: Health
  • Relax before the day of an exam. Do not overextend your studying session. You do not need a 24hrs review before the exam. Just don't overdo it; your body and brainpower will get tired and exhausted.
  • Prepare things. Prepare your ballpen, mineral water, candy, and yourself, too. Take a good night's sleep and a hot shower in the morning.
  • Relax and stay calm. While on your test, panicking will contribute to bad results. 
Image: weheartit
  • Be ON TIME. The examination starts at 8 am; ideally, you must check the room number earlier. However, if you don't know your seat and room numbers, look for those numbers as early as 7 am. When I went at 6 am, yes, too early, I wasted time and was exhausted from waiting for 2 hrs standing. So be just in time(JIT in Japanese), and don't be late or too early, or else you will be exhausted.
Image: the-soccer-essentials
  • Time is Gold; you need more time. Love takes time, but not on exams; it is a quickie one, though. I have experienced that when I am focused, I forget the time. Just check your watch occasionally and prioritize questions with less difficulty. 
Image: aoao2/deviantart
  • Skip harder questions. This is a crucial technique. When you skip questions and plan to answer back, you need to double the time as much as possible. The advantage is there are hints in the following questions.
  • Just don't leave blank answers. Ideally, you should not miss any shades(since it is a computerized system, ideally, you must shade all questions)
  • Be happy and enjoy the exam. The future is at stake here, but don't take life seriously; remember, if you fail first. There is always a better place for you. :)
  • Be thankful. Thank God and yourself for your hardships and exerted efforts. Just talk to yourself; research shows it is highly recommended because it will improve your thinking skills. (nerd)
  • Be optimistic. There is nothing more calming when you think positively. (BUT Nah, I am a pessimist ) 
  • Less expectation. Yes, I don't expect the final result.
  • Relax and enjoy it!
I would like you to do these things. But one thing is true: I took the exam twice.

I hope you will succeed in passing the Civil Service Examinations and that you have learned something here.

CSC Reviewer 2017-2025 -Available Soft Copies

If you like this, share this link post. Download on this:

Last grammar checked updated: March 16, 2025


  1. hndi ko nman po mkita un sa link na here, pwde pasend sa email ko [email protected]. salamat!

  2. pahingi nman po ng download link pls.. thank you po ng marami

  3. uhm.. alam nyo po ba kung tig iilan items ang numerical, verbal, analytical, at gen info.? maraming salamat po sa response nyo.. godbless sir!

  4. depende kasi yun eh...iba iba yung mga items nya..minsan marami sa numerical, minsan marami sa verbal pero kunti sa analtyical at vice versa... so i would suggest nah, study more and be smart enough to study.. :)

  5. pero ang total po talaga nun sir 180 items?? last question sir i know this tough to answer hehehe... uhm during your time do think you got the 80 percet of 180 points?? hehehe thank you alot sir good day and godbless po :)

  6. interesting question, ako nga nashock nakapass ako...pero at the time nag take na smile ako lalo na sa reading comprehension, you can read my story here: :)

  7. wow.. you have a nice blog thank you sir.. i think the vocabulary word exam will kill is like the first time i will encounter a deep deep word hahaha.. pls pray for me to pass hehe .. thank you very much sir have a good day :)

  8. if you encounter such word, choose that gets your 1st impression or u can skip it to get some hints in the next following items.. Good Luck :)

  9. another last question sir hehehe.. does all of your reviewers help you a lot?? do read it all? is there any familiar question in your reviewer when took the exam?? ok that is so much sir again thank you for your time answering my questions. hope i will pass this april CS exam. salamat ng marami po at godbless to you and your family always :)

  10. yes it really helps me a lot... yes i do read it all... actually i am happy because i saw some familiar words and questions in my soft copies that ive posted here.... you read it more
    ... :)

  11. hi, pwede ring bang makahingi sa link? Thank u.
    Here's my email [email protected]

  12. Replies
    1. hello sir.. pwde po hinge ng link for the question and answers sa cs? yun pong possible na lalabas sa exam? eto po email ko: [email protected] maraming salamat po :)

  13. sir pde po bang makahingi ng link? eto po email ko [email protected] thank u po!

  14. Thanks a lot for the tips and for the of soft copies you've shared. GOD bless and more power!!

  15. Sir pwede po b makahingi ng softcopy ng mga reviewer para s CSC exam? ngayon April 2013 ako sir mgeexam e2 po email ko. [email protected] ng marami & God bless

  16. Good day sir, I just need help po, pwede po makahingi ng softcopy ng CSC reviewer?

    ito po email ko:

    [email protected]

    And if the passing rate is 80%, meaning 60% na lang po ang dapat sagutan kasi po the less 20% is bonus tama po ba?

    Salamat po ng maraming marami.

  17. send ko na poh... sa huling tanong mo na 60% lng dapat e sagot..yes..tama ka...pero 60% items lng ang correct answer sa 60% na yan ay 80% :) :)

  18. Salamat sir.
    Nako malaki laki rin pala ang need ipasa.
    In terms of nakapasa po sa exam, nagnonotification po ba sila via email?
    kasi most of the time nagloloko minsan ang mga cp or nawawala, baka dun po sila madalas eh mahirap naman po sa part ng iba tulad ko.

  19. if makakapasa ka, mag post sila(CSC) sa mga list of passers sa website nila..tapos mag mail sila sa address ng bahay ninyo para sa mga procedures how to claim - CoE (Certificate of Eligibility) :)

  20. Sir, gwapo mo.. penge naman ng soft copy ng reviewer..heheh.. [email protected] :P

  21. send me copy, mabz. ;) thanks..hehehe

  22. actually if ma read nimo diri..naa ra ang link..anyways sent.. :_)

  23. sir good day po. kakapalan ko na po ang muka ko po sa inyo.
    pede po ba ako mkhingi ng soft copy ng reviewer nyo?
    [email protected] po ung email address ko po.
    thanks in advance po.

  24. done... :)) Good luck and God Bless :)

  25. sir good pm po. wala pa po ako narereceive sa email address ko po..
    paresend na lng po ulet sir sa [email protected]
    syensya po sa abala sir.

  26. nkuha ko na sir. maraming salamt.. God bless you sir !

  27. sir pwede rin po ako pasend ng reviewer nyo? PLEASE... Thanks and God bless po... [email protected]

  28. goodpm po.sir pwd dn po mkhingi ng softcopy ng reviewer??tnx po..eto po eadd q... [email protected]

  29. MICLodivicoVIZLazaga Good day po! Sir pwede din po b makarequest ng copy ng reviewer. Magexam po ako this Apr. Here's my email add.. [email protected] Thanks po! :)

  30. sir may ask lng po ako isa pang question regarding on the first 20 questions na about the personal circumstances of the examinee, then in questions 14-16 is for Government employees only po. eh how about the items 17-20?? i should shade it ba sir?? even i don't have a job either private or a government because i just graduated this march sir.. thank you sir!! hoping for your response.. GOBLESS!!

    Items 17 to 20

    In which of the
    following types of work do you consider yourself best qualified? Choose only
    two from among the options listed in items 17-20. Shade the boxes that
    corresponds to your choices. For example, if you think you are best qualified
    in budget management, and project planning/management, shade box no. 2 of item
    17 and box no. 3 of item . Leave items
    18 and 20 blank. If you think you are best qualified in research/report
    including statistical analysis, shade boxex no. and no. 2 of item 20 on your Answer sheet,
    and leave items and 19 blank.

    17. 1. Accounting 2. Budget

    3. Buying/Purchasing 4.

    Computer Operations

    1. EDP Computer Programming

    2. EDP System Analysis and Design

    3. Human Resource Development

    Management and Audit Analysis

    19. 1. News/Feature Writing 2. Personal

    3. Project Planning/Management

    4. Public Relation Work

    Records Management

    20. 1. Research / Report Writing 2. Statistical

    3. Stenography 4.
    Supplies Management

    None of the Above

  31. hmmm medyo naka limotan ko na yung choices...tricky yan talaga...pero dapat, you need to understan well yung choices... may mga condisyon kasi...if mag sabi na 14-16 sa government only...yung lang, howver, if 17++ ay para sa lahat..ok yun... if newly graduated, choose mo lang kung saan field yung course mo.. :))

  32. Thanks sa info. Di pa ko nakakapag review 1 week na lang exam na. May work kasi ako at night shift. This weekend pa lang ako mag rereview. uunahin ko na agad yun sa math. :) Sir pwede pong makahingi ng soft copy ng reviewer? thanks :) Here's my email address [email protected] Thanks ! God Bless

  33. Pahingi nman po ng soft copy ng reviewer. E2 po email add ko [email protected] Thanks in advance po!~ ^_^

  34. Wow ang bilis! Hehe salamat ^^

  35. mabilis ako sa nangangailangan... ako po si mabzicle inyong lingkod... teka.. di po ako tatakbo ngayung darating na halalan... share lng po ako sa natutunan ko :))

  36. hi pwedi psend din po ng softcopy [email protected]. Thankyouuuuuu! :))

  37. sir psend naman po reviewer [email protected] salamat po sir ng mdami GBu po

  38. pde po mkihingi ng reviewer??ung soft copy po...this coming sunday na po ung exam ko...thank you send na lang po sa [email protected] thank you po

  39. pde po mkihingi ng reviewer??ung soft copy po...this coming sunday na po ung exam ko...thank you send na lang po sa [email protected] or [email protected] thank you po

  40. pwede makahingi din po ng soft copy ng reviewer asap po,,thank you po ^^
    [email protected]

  41. hello po pls pa send naman po ng reviewer sa professional and sub-prof po tnx.

  42. pwede pong makahingi ng soft copy ng reviewer? pasend nman po sa email ko. [email protected] .. thank you! :)

  43. Sir, pwede makahingi ng softcopy ng reviewer? Thanks. [email protected].

  44. Looking for FREE Civil Service Exam reviewer for all ANDROID phone users. Just search for "Philippines Civil Service Exam" on Google Play.

  45. thank u JMA... i will try your android app.. and i could write review bout it.

  46. sir! pwede bang pasend ng reviewer? iba ba yn dun sa shinare mo na soft copy dito sa cite? thanks! i need this for my boyfriend. thanks!

  47. sir pasend po softcopy ng reviewer thanks..eto email ad ko [email protected]

  48. inspiring post! can you send me the soft copy of your reviewer sir? here rlabasano, thanks in advance..

  49. Sir pwede rin po ba humingi ng reviewer? [email protected] :) thank you so much!

  50. sir pa send naman ng soft copies grabe take 3 na ako sa october 13 kc d na naman ako nakapasa ng April 14 talagang kailangan ko lang maipasa thanks sir God Bless and more power....eto pala e mail add ko [email protected]

  51. sent nah po ;) hope maka pasa kana this Oct. :)

  52. Sir pwde rin po humingi ng soft copy ng reviewer? [email protected] :) thank you po!

  53. Daisy Jean Medilo VelascoMay 31, 2013 at 10:09 AM

    Sir, pwede makahingi ng soft copy ng iyong reviewer? [email protected]

    Congratulations and Thank you.

  54. done na po..please do share sa frens mo thanks :)

  55. okey nah.. hope maka pass ka dis october...

  56. hi sir...pasend po sana ako ng soft copy ng reviewer..plz send thru my email [email protected] thnx po...gbu!

  57. hello po, pwede rin po ba kami humingi ng mga classmates ko ng soft copy ng reviewer? ---> [email protected] po...thank you! ^___^

  58. hi p sir'Ric, i really find your page very helpful, thank you so much for sharing tips with us..
    Pwede rin po bang mkahingi ng copy ng reviewer? i am planning to take the exam din kasi this oct..sana mkapasa na q.
    heres my add po.. thank you..
    [email protected]

  59. your tips are very helpful sir, i wish i could also pass the exam this Oct.
    Please pls send me din of your soft copy of the reviewer, thank you so much,
    heres my e-mail add;
    [email protected]

  60. Hello po! can i have a copy of the said reviewer plz? thank you so much.Godspeed! my e-mail add [email protected]

  61. hi po! pwde po pasend ng soft copy? thanks po
    [email protected]

  62. Thanks for sharing these tips. Can i also avail ur reviewer? [email protected]. Thanks

  63. hi sir.ako din po. pls send to my email: [email protected]. THANKS

  64. Thanks for this! God Bless.

  65. HI! Can I have a soft copy of the said reviewer? Thanks in advance. Here's my email, [email protected]

  66. Pwede din niyo po ba ishare sakin reviewer?thanks
    Email add: [email protected]

  67. Hello po. I'll be taking the exam on October. SIr, Can I have a copy of the reviewer? Thank you po in advance :D email: [email protected]

  68. thanks a lot..please send me a copy [email protected]

  69. gudpm, i am planning to take dis coming october, may i have a favor to send in my email a soft copy of your reviewer,plz. God bless you.thank you.

  70. pwede po makahingi ng reviewer for october 2013 exam???

    eto po email add ko..

    [email protected]

  71. tnx po sa binigay nyo..:) ..sobrang thank you :)... kakaluga ng utak basahin hehe..pag meron pa po kayo mabibigay plz send po ulit sa email add ko po

    [email protected]

    tnx po :)

  72. pasend din po [email protected] tnx po sir godbless

  73. hi po hingi sna ako ng soft copy pls send to my email thank you so much and Godbless. [email protected] email add ko

  74. Sir, pwede makahingi ng soft copy ng iyong reviewer? [email protected]

    Congratulations and Thank you.

  75. Boss.. im jp... pwd po din pahingi ng soft copy... da best ka po. psend nmn po s email add ko if u hve time pls.? [email protected]

  76. Sir I'd like to have some copies too. [email protected]
    Thank You so much.

  77. sir pashare naman po ng reviewer tnx po God Bless,,,

  78. Mam, pashare naman po ng reviewer..tnx po God Bless..

  79. Your tips are very helpful. thank you so much, can you send the reviewer as well, [email protected]

  80. hello sir,, I have plan to take the exam by this october, can i ask your favor sir, pwede po makahingi nag copy po sa latest reviewer ninyo po? this is my email [email protected]..
    thank you so much po sir!.. Gob bless you!

  81. Thanks for this Sir~ Pwede din po makahingi ng softcopy ng reviewer niyo po? :) >>>[email protected] ..thank you very much~ ^^,

  82. just this simple tips and few resources of course :)

  83. ohhh.. hope u will pass this next exam :D

  84. actually its MabZTech, anyways.. sent already :D

  85. bakit wala pa rin po sa email ko? pki-resend naman po, salamat Sir~~~

  86. can you send me the reviewer? [email protected].. thank you..

  87. Hi po. pwd rin hu ba mashare yung reviwer sir.. kailangan ko po pra sa upcoming CSC exam.. Ito po yung email add ko, [email protected] . salamat po and God Bless you.

  88. gudaftie po..
    maexam din poh ako this october ng civil service...
    pwd rin poh ba akong makashare ng reviewer?..thanks alot poh..
    this is my email..
    [email protected]

  89. hello po sir. pwede makahinge ng soft copy???lalo kasi ako na inspired na kumuha ng csc ng mabasa ko itong blog [email protected] po and goodluck sa career and god bless you...

  90. Good day sir, nakapasa na po ang kapatid ko sa CS prof conducted last April 6.Pero hindi sya satisfied sa rating niya, pwede po ba siya magexam.uli?

  91. hi sir.just read ur article.and im nterestd with it and i want to pass the exam can u send me a link to download a copy of ur reviewer?badly needed it sir.tnx [email protected]

  92. sir pasend naman po ng soft copy po ng reviewer [email protected] slamat po

  93. Sir di ko po makita yung link pwede po pa send na lng sa [email protected]... thanks...

  94. Sir pwede po pa se send n lng soft copy di ko po makita link. Tnx po [email protected]

  95. Good day sir, pwede po b mashare yung reviewer. Di ko po kc mkita yung link. Thank you po. [email protected]

  96. Hai poh..pwd po patulong this coming cs exam gamit ang inyong reviewer..
    Paki share po dito sa email ku.
    [email protected].
    Kung pwd po pdf.
    Thanks po

  97. Hi Sir: good afternon, can you please send me a copy of latest reviewer of the civil service exam. It would really help me a lot to pass this exam.. Thanks and God bless.. :D Heres my email add: [email protected]

  98. Pwede makahingi ng link sa reviewer. Thanks po

    [email protected]

  99. Great blog thanks sa info.. may i i also request the softcopy for csc reviewer..pls send it thru my email [email protected]
    Thank you...

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Mabzicle: [TIPS] Civil Service Exam - FREE Download CSC Reviewers (UPDATED)
[TIPS] Civil Service Exam - FREE Download CSC Reviewers (UPDATED)
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