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[FIX] CSC Personal Data Sheet (PDS) Form 212 Revised 2017 Form+Attachments

Download Excel Format of CSC PDS revised 2017 Blank (8.5x13in or Legal Size) + Fixed Forms!

Civil Service Commission (CSC) directs all government employees to submit and update their updated Personal Data Sheet (PDS) using the NEW form.
csc pds 2017

The CSC issued a resolution mandating the utilization of the revised PDS (Civil Service Form No. 212, Revised 2017) and requiring all government officials and employees to update their records using the new form, which should be submitted to their agency’s Human Resource Management Officer or HRMO by the said deadline.
What is the Personal Data Sheet (PDS?
The PDS is the official information sheet for all government officials and employees and is used as a main supporting document for all appointments in the government service. It requires truthful disclosure not only of an employee’s personal information but also his/her civil service eligibility; work experience; voluntary work or involvement in any civic, non-government, people, or voluntary organizations; learning and development interventions or training programs attended; and other pertinent information.
CSC Chairperson Alicia dela Rosa-Bala said the new form contains employee information that may support appointments and other HR actions. It also conforms with relevant laws and issuances.
“In the 2017 version of the PDS, state workers who hold dual citizenship, including dual citizenship by birth, should indicate the countries of which they are a citizen. Those who have acquired the status of an immigrant or permanent resident of another country should also disclose the country where they acquired such status,” Chairperson Bala said.
She added that the CSC now requires submitting a separate Work Experience Sheet, where employees shall indicate their duties for each position declared in the PDS under the Work Experience field.
“These details shall be used by the Commission in evaluating appointments issued, particularly in checking whether the appointee’s qualifications meet the requirements of the vacant position being filled,” she stated.
Moreover, the new PDS is a sworn document, which means it shall be attested to under oath by the employee and witnessed by a person authorized to administer an oath or affirmation.

PDS has 4 sheets in an Excel file:
  • The First page(C1) composes of:
    • Personal Information
    • Family Background
    • Educational Background
  • The second page(C2) sheet:
    • Civil Service Eligibility
    • Work Experience
  • The Third (C3) sheet:
    • Voluntary work or involvement in Civic/Non-Government/People/Voluntary Organizations
    • Learning and Development Interventions/Training Programs Attended
    • Other Information
  • The Fourth(C4) sheet:
    • Question-related to administrative /affinity
    • References
    • Your Passport Photo, Thumbmark, and Signature
Be sure to sign every page with the date! Also, always attach the Work Experience Sheet(Word format with your accomplished PDS)

Contents on Google Drive:

  1. 2021 Folder (Excel formats)
  2. (fixed) CS Form No. 212 revised Personal Data Sheet 2017_8.5x13in_mabzicle (EXCEL format)
  3. (fixed) CS Form No. 212 revised Personal Data Sheet 2017_LEGAL SIZE 8.5x14_mabzicle(EXCEL format)
  4. CS Form No. 212 Attachment -   revised Guide  to Filling Up the Personal Data Sheet (1)(DOC format)
  5. CS Form No. 212 Attachment - Work   Experience Sheet(DOC Format)
  6. CS-Form-No.-212-Attachment-revised-Guide-to-Filling-Up-the-Personal-Data-Sheet (PDF format)
  7. CSC-Reso-No.-1700656-PDS (PDF format)
  8.  Additional page (EXCEL format) on Work Experience (Page 2 of 4)
  9. Additional page (EXCEL format) on Learning and Development (Page 3 of 4)
NOTE: These are accessible and ready-to-download files. You can share this link with your friends.


As provided in CSC Resolution No. 1700656 dated March 21, 2017, any misrepresentation made in the PDS and the Work Experience Sheet shall be grounds for filing appropriate administrative or criminal case/s against the person concerned.

So be mindful of your information! Be honest and put accurate data!


  • Interactively,
    you can send your softcopy for me to check. Email me at [email protected]!
  • On page 2: work experience, Contract of Service/Job Order/Special Order is considered not a government service, so you will put (N or NO) in the column!
    • Do not include Internship/OJT experiences.
  • Some notable practices of some agencies:
    • They put GRADUATED on C1 -> III. Educational background - > 26. HIGHEST LEVEL/                     UNITS EARNED       (if not graduated)
  • Added 2021 Folder. This is from CSC itself, I just fixed the long-size (8.5"x13") setting for printing! (Added April 19, 2021)
    • Notes: The footer (date and the CSC form revised if you notice the old one)
  • TIP: You need to wait for approval to edit it in Google Drive. However, you can download and edit it freely.
  • Page 1: Under III. Educational Background, then the highest level/units earned (if not graduated); usually, if you graduated in a level, put GRADUATED.
  • Don't leave blank rows. In the last row, put *** Nothing Follows***, indicating that no information is below.
  • Change of School name:
    • Put the school name you graduated in and put the NEW school name.
  • PDS is a sworn document. The head of the office/head of Human Resources can sign in the C4(4th page). Or, if you are a fresh graduate, you can have it notarized by the law firms in your area. 
  • + Use of the word "MISREPRESENTATION" instead of "MISINTERPRETATION" in the INSTRUCTION portion of the Personal Data Sheet (PDS) (source: CS Form No. 212, Revised 2017) uploaded on March 22, 2017, the CSC requests the use of the latest version of the PDS now posted on the website under Issuances (Memorandum Circular) [ New PDS as of April 27, 2017]
PDS - misrepresentation
  • + NEW PDS Revised 2017 form (fixed: LONG size 8.5"x13" for printing). Some agencies don't have a legal-size bond paper. I fixed its printing form to be Long (8.5x13in) sized.
  • Added file for Legal size bond paper printing: 8.5"x14";
  • Added CS Form No. 212 Attachment - Work   Experience Sheet
  • + Attached: CSC Resolution No. 1700656, dated March 21, 2017, for reference.
  • + Fixed some merged fields.
    • ADVICE: the file cannot add or delete sheets.
  • TIP: if you want to add additional sheets, prepare them in a new Excel/word file.

Download the Excel Format of CSC PDS revised 2017 Blank + Fixed Forms files: 

What's new with the new Personal Data Sheet?
  • State workers who hold dual citizenship, including dual citizenship by birth, should indicate the countries where they are citizens. Those who have acquired the status of an immigrant or permanent resident of another country should also disclose the country where they acquired such status.
  • Submission of a separate Work Experience Sheet, where employees shall indicate their actual duties for each position declared in the PDS under the Work Experience field (shall be used by the Commission in evaluating appointments issued, particularly in checking whether the appointee’s qualifications meet the requirements of the vacant position being filled)
  • The new PDS is a sworn document, which means it shall be attested to under oath by the employee and witnessed by a person authorized to administer an oath or affirmation. The head of the agency/office or head of Human Resources can administer the oath.
Government employees must submit their updated Personal Data Sheet (PDS) to their agency's Human Resource Management Officer by April 30, 2017.

  • If you apply to a government agency, your PDS shall be NOTARIZED ( Law firm or Public attorney's Office [PAO]).
  • Payment on notarized at Php 150.00 to 200.00(as of May 2020)
CSC Personal Data Sheet (PDS) Guidelines in Filling Out the Form
You might say this is just a form, but any wrong inputted information can lead to cases.
Warning: Any misrepresentation made in the Personal Data Sheet and the Work Experience Sheet shall cause the filing of administrative/criminal case/s against the person concerned.
All aspirants who wish to work in government agencies must have this Personal Data Sheet. 
The human resource staff needs this form for the personnel file, which is most likely a job requirement.

A job seeker should fill out the form eligibly and correctly; these are the few guidelines for filling out the PDS form.


All information should be provided accurately. 

It is advisable to fill out each of the fields in the PDS. The PDS may be accomplished using MS Word or MS Excel. We use the Excel form; I have already fixed some printing issues. Also, do not leave blank entries. Put N/A if not applicable.

One advantage of the Microsoft Excel format is that all the tick boxes will automatically be marked once clicked.

The PDS must bear the employee's signature and date of accomplishment at the bottom of every page except the C4 (last part). Since this page differs from the three others, you can see a more significant field for your signature.
Entries in the PDS may be filled out by hand or via a typewriter/computer. TAKE NOTE:  If handwritten, entries should be using a pen in block capital (e.g., PRINT) format. Ideally, you will achieve it on the computer because you can easily modify and update it whenever needed.

The additional work experience sheet(ATTACHMENT WORK EXPERIENCE SHEET) should be completed when applying for a vacant position. It is available on the link given.

I. Personal Information
  • Employees' names are to be filled out in the following format: surname, first name, name extension (if any), and middle name. Space is allotted for each character or letter in the name.
  • Dates are in the numeric format: mm/dd/yyyy
  • Specifics should be given to the “Others” response in the civil status field.
  • The agency employee number refers to the employee ID number in the current agency.
  • For foreign/dual citizenship holders, please select from the dropdown list the foreign country where you were born/naturalized or type/write the same in the space provided therein.
II. Family Background
  • The names of spouses and parents are to be filled out in the following format: surname, first name, name extension (if any), and middle name.
  • The mother’s name was her maiden name, or name when she was single or before marriage. 
  • List ALL your children's full names (first name and surname). 
  • The date of birth is in the numeric format: mm/dd/yyyy.
III. Educational Background
  • Indicate the FULL name of the schools. DO NOT ABBREVIATE.
  • For the Elementary Level, indicate PRIMARY EDUCATION if you graduated. 
  • For the Secondary Level, indicate HIGH SCHOOL if you graduated under the old curriculum, or JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL or SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL if you graduated under the K-12 curriculum. 
  • Indicate in FULL all courses taken in college (e.g., ASSOCIATE IN ARTS, AB ECONOMICS, BS PSYCHOLOGY, MA IN HISTORY)
  • Indicate all master's or doctorate degrees have been taken. 
  • If you have graduated from every level, indicate the year of graduation. 
  • If you have not graduated at any level, indicate the highest grade, level, or units earned. 
  • Periods of attendance are stated in school years (e.g., 1992-1996) 
  • Indicate any scholarship and/or academic honors received at each level.
IV. Civil Service Eligibility
  • Indicate all civil service eligibilities earned with corresponding rating, date, and place of examination/conferment.
  1. Career Service Sub-Professional EO132/790 – Veteran Preference Rating
  2. Career Service Professional PD 907               – Honor Graduate
  3. Career Service Executive RA 7883                – Barangay Health Worker 
  4. Stenographer                                                   –  Barangay Official
  5. PD 997                                                            – Scientific and Technological Specialist 
  • Indicate the license number and validity date if earned eligibility entails a license (RA 1080).
V. Work Experience
  • Indicate all positions held in public and private employment starting from current work.
  • Inclusive dates are indicated numerically: mm/dd/yyyy. 
  • Indicate FULL position titles and COMPLETE NAME of department/agency/office/company. DO NOT ABBREVIATE. 
  • Indicate monthly salary in figures (e.g., P21,877). 
  • Salary grade and salary step, if applicable, should be stated in the format ”00-0” (e.g., 24-2, 24 for salary grade, 2 for salary step) 
  • Indicate the status of employment (e.g., permanent, temporary, casual, contractual) 
  • Indicate “yes” under government service if the position is in public or government employment or “no” in private jobs. 
  • Additional work experience sheets should be completed and submitted together with the PDS to apply for a vacant position. This should be done only for work experience relevant to the position being applied to.
VI. Voluntary Work or Involvement in Civic/Non-Government/People/ Voluntary Organizations
  • Indicate the FULL name and address of the organization where you were involved as a voluntary worker.
  • Inclusive dates, start (from) and end (to), should be numeric: mm/dd/yyyy. 
  • Indicate the number of hours of voluntary work rendered. 
  • Indicate the position/nature of voluntary work rendered. 
VII. Learning and Development Interventions
  • Indicate FULL titles of learning and development (L&D) interventions attended during employment. Indicate the list from the most recent L&D.
  • Inclusive dates of attendance, start (from), and end (to) should be in the numeric format: mm/dd/yyyy. 
  • Indicate the number of hours attended for the program. 
  • Indicate the type of L&D intervention (e.g., managerial, supervisory, technical). 
  • Indicate the FULL name of the institution/agency that conducted or sponsored the program. DO NOT ABBREVIATE. (e.g., CSC should be the Civil Service Commission).
VIII. Other Information
  • Indicate special skills /hobbies.
  • Indicate in FULL non-academic distinctions/recognition (awards received) 
  • Indicate membership in any professional association/organization by writing about the association/organization in FULL. 
# 34-40
  • Indicate responses to questions 34 to 40 on the right side of the sheet.
  • Provide details or specifications for any yes response. 
# 41
  • Indicate the FULL name of references with FIRST NAME, MI, SURNAME, their addresses, and respective telephone numbers.
# 42
  • The boxes provided should be affixed with the employee's signature and right thumb mark as an agreement to and for completing the PDS. The boxes should also indicate the government ID number and date of issuance. 
  • Lastly, attach a RECENT PASSPORT SIZE (4.5 cm. x 3.5 cm.) picture with a COMPLETE AND HANDWRITTEN NAME TAG and SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED NAME. The picture must have been taken within the last six (6) months. A computer-generated or photocopied picture is not acceptable.
If you have questions or need clarification, feel free to comment below! Thanks!

Source: CSC Resolution No. 1700656, dated March 21, 2017, CSC Official Facebook Page

Updated: May 16, 2023 (grammar nazis) + updated LINK

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Mabzicle: [FIX] CSC Personal Data Sheet (PDS) Form 212 Revised 2017 Form+Attachments
[FIX] CSC Personal Data Sheet (PDS) Form 212 Revised 2017 Form+Attachments
Download Excel Format of CSC PDS revised 2017 Blank (8.5x13in or Legal Size) + Fixed Forms!
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